2019年10月10日 星期四


Connection with Japanese ADE Keiko is such a wonderful experience!
We did  interesting Q and A games using iPads, and sang a Japanese song in both Chinese and Japanese!
雖然只有短短二十分鐘的視訊活動,但是跟Keiko Miyazaki共備了很多次,兩個跨國ADE的火花是什麼呢?利用Seesaw分享相見歡影片Clips,實現利用iPad來進行關於臺灣和日本的趣味問答,並實現跨國共唱夏川里美的淚光閃閃.五個班一直輪到最後一班時我跟學生坐在一起共唱,心裡的感動不可言喻。看到學生閃亮亮的眼神,我更堅持著我的信念,希望我的學生每個人都可以參與這樣的活動,體會這樣的感動.
#We did it! The connection between two ADEs! !

Say hello to the Japanese teacher and students
The connection is appreciated by the parents, too.